Hello, we are Dion and Monique. We are Dutch and own/builded this campsite since 2006 with our sons Mick (right) and Jordi (left).

For years we talked about it: wouldn't it be nice to start our own campsite! A campsite with some rentals, apartments or holiday houses, so we can receive guests not only in the summer. For example ski- or snowboardfanatics in winter, because there is plenty of snow in the area, and there are quite nice skiresorts in the surroundings. Or what about hikers or mountainbikers in spring and autumn. Wouldn't that be marvellous! How many nights at the camp-fire have we dreamed about that every summer holiday? Just having a little business for ourselves with the four of us. Being our own boss and living in the quiet of the countryside……
At the beginning of 2005 it all became “real”. Because of the "splendid co-operation" of Dion’s employer in the Netherlands, our dreams suddenly could become reality. After a good talk within the family, we all decided to quit our Dutch life and trade it for a new adventure and a different life in Slovakia.
We moved/emigrated to the quiet of the countryside of Slovakia in April 2006. At that time our sons were 11 and 13 years old. They learned Slovak at school, and we slowly managed to learn the language " in real life " .... our biggest challenge ever since Dutch and Slovak language have nothing, really NOTHING in common!

Since the summer of 2006 we have been welcoming many guests from all over Europe and beyond. For us it feels like getting friends over, who stay in our garden and orchard. They relax and enjoy nature, our hospitality, the atmosphere and the natural and easy way of making contact with other guests. We love to share this unique place with all of you, and let you taste a piece of real Slovak countrylife.
We'd love to tell you our story in the evening at the camp-fire! :)